BREAK your inner blocks with Forest
How is Forest’s approach different?
Your life is too short to always be in therapy! With traditional therapy methods, you get lead to dwell on issues, feel terrible and come back time and time again… week after week.. with no action plan, solution or strategy towards positive outcomes in your life. Who really benefits from this business model?
If you are serious about personal transformation, you can renegade with Forest by refusing to keep putting your precious time and money down the drain on ‘talk therapy’.
The key to creating profound shifts is through mastering your subconscious mind - the operating system that influences your thoughts, feelings and behaviours - with Forest!
Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is an intensive form of hypnotherapy developed by Marisa Peer. It combines various therapeutic techniques, including hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy, neuro-linguistic programming, and psychotherapy, to address and transform deep-seated issues and bring about positive changes in individuals. Advanced Conversational Hypnotherapy (ACH) originates from Milton Erickson’s (‘the father of hypnotherapy’) mastery over the unconscious mind and therapy in itself, triggering your own mind’s best resources to effect profound change and progress. Forest is an advanced and mastered hypnotherapy practitioner who uses a synthesis of approaches to cause profound, permeating transformation to your inner thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
Forest Toime
-Master ACH, Advanced RTT.Hyp, Cl.Hyp, BSc(Hons)MedPhys & Psyc
RTT & ACH Hypnotherapy addresses any personal issue that you have become ‘rooted’ to by working with the programmed patterns that have been created by your subconscious mind.
Self-Limiting Habits | Confidence & Self Esteem Issues | Depression & Low Mood | Addictive & Binge Behaviours | Childhood Issues & Trauma | Anxiety, Fears & Worries | Relationship Patterns | Success, Wealth & Money Blocks | Health Issues Related to Emotions | Post Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder PMDD | Gut Related Issues | Narcissistic & Toxic Abuse | Life Goals
Forest uses a simple, scientific method to put you in a deeply relaxed, subconscious state whereby your alpha brainwaves are activated. This state can otherwise be referred to as hypnosis.
Within this subconscious state, she will then use a number of tools dependent upon what your issues and desired outcome of the session are, to start re-wiring your thoughts. Regression takes place whereby she will uncover relevant memories from your past that hold the key to why you started creating the self-defeating or detrimental thoughts that have caused your problem in the first place. It is common for long buried memories from childhood to become crystal clear within the subconscious state.
Once the key to why you hold these certain, limiting beliefs has been unlocked and instrumental self realisations are made, Forest then uses hypnosis to start re-building your thought patterns in a positive, self serving way. The hypnosis is directly relevant to revelations about what your holdbacks are, as well as what you sought to solve in the session. This is 60% of the transformation. The remaining 40% relies on you to listen to your personalised hypnosis track that I record during the session for the next 21 days and then regularly thereafter.
One intensive session lasts approx. 2 hours.
Depending on your unique set of experiences, goals and history, 1 - 3 sessions will be required (3 sessions are typically required in more complex cases or with greater goals). I expect the majority of clients to observe a personal shift in 1-2 sessions, please ask me for a professional assessment of your unique case and the requirements.
What do I experience in my RTT hypnotherapy sessions?
Yes. RTT works for any issue with a simple, results-proven method. It is highly effective and has worked for thousands of people just like you.
Yes. If you wish to be hypnotised then you can be. It is a simple, voluntary method.
You experience the ‘hypnosis’ or alpha brainwave state every day, it will feel completely normal to you.
This is a highly effective specialist technique.
Unlike other therapies, the majority of clients will only need 1-2 appointments to experience a positive inner shift. On occasion with greater goals and in complex cases, the client may need up to 3 sessions.
With RTT you are making actual changes at the root of your issues so by comparison, you are significantly saving on therapy costs by facilitating real, lasting and immediate change.
Each RTT session is longer than a psychology or counselling appointment, to provide in-depth coverage of an issue.
Part of Forest’s philosophy is that life is too short to always be in therapy.
I will use a simple, scientific method to put you in a deeply relaxed, subconscious state whereby your alpha brainwaves are activated. This state can otherwise be referred to as hypnosis.
Within this subconscious state, I will then use a number of tools dependent upon what your issues and desired outcome of the session are, to start re-wiring your thoughts. Regression takes place whereby we uncover relevant memories from your past that hold the key to why you started creating the self-defeating or detrimental thoughts that have caused your problem in the first place. It is common for long buried memories from childhood to become crystal clear within the subconscious state.
Once the key to why you hold these certain, limiting beliefs has been unlocked and instrumental self realisations are made, I then use hypnosis to start re-building your thought patterns in a positive, self serving way. The hypnosis is directly relevant to revelations about what your holdbacks are, as well as what you sought to solve in the session. This is 60% of the transformation. The remaining 40% relies on you to listen to your personalised hypnosis track that I record during the session for the next 21 days and then regularly thereafter.
Usually just one session is suffice. However in complicated cases up to three sessions may be necessary.
No. Hypnosis is simply a state of deep relaxation, whereby REM is activated on the way in. You are in total control, I cannot make you do anything you do not want to do. What happens is guided by you.
I ask that my clients are completely sober and have had something to eat and drink about an hour beforehand so that they are comfortable.
If you suffer schizophrenia, epilepsy or any delusional disorder, then hypnotherapy is not an appropriate treatment for you.
Yes, absolutely. As is professional, everything that happens within a session is completely confidential. Your file will be kept highly secure for three years and then destroyed.
Regression is an effective tool to uncover memories that hold the reasons for an issue. Under hypnosis, these memories will be more readily available. You will not be reliving the memories, simply reviewing them with me. You do not have to share anything you do not wish to, though you do need to let me know how a memory made you feel so that we can work with it. These feelings will be clear to you under hypnosis.
I work with children as young as 4 to adults at any age. Young children do not need to be regressed and the process is adapted to work at their level and for them.
I offer online sessions via Zoom. This can be booked here on my website and I will make the arrangements with you and send you the appropriate links and information via email.
Please contact as soon as possible to re-arrange. Be aware that a strict 24-48 hour cancellation policy is operated in line with standard practice. Please read the details of this.
Forest is top Melbourne practitioner. She has been awarded Australian Hypnotherapist of the Year 2022 (Global Health&Pharma).
Forest’s certifications include Master ACH, Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapy (c.RTT Advanced), Hypnotherapy (cl.Hyp), BSc Medical Physiology & Psychology (First Class, Honours).
She is an accredited member of the IACT (International Association of Counsellors and Therapists) and the IICT (the International Institute for Complementary Therapists). For more information, please read About Me.
Podcast: How Intensive Hypnosis Works with Forest Toime
Tune in to this chat with Sydney-based Fitness Transformation Pro Karl McKenna from Vitruvian Health. Or check out his podcast Elite Table Talk
Discover how Rapid Transformational Therapy can help you achieve your health goals, build lasting habits for success, and unlock your full potential. Forest Toime shares insights into what a typical hypnotherapy session looks like and how this powerful method can change your mindset and elevate your wellbeing.
Using RTT with Forest was really helpful in not only getting to the core of the beliefs but also resolving them, highly recommend!!
Anna T
I recently had an RTT hypnotherapy session and it was truly transformative. Forest guided me into a relaxed and receptive state. She uncovered some deep-seated beliefs that had been creating a lot of issues and destruction in my life. With her guidance, I was able to reframe these beliefs and leave the session feeling empowered and better still.. so many issues are fading away. I suffered for years, wish I had done this earlier. Highly recommend doing this to anyone looking to overcome personal challenges and achieve their goals.
Tom R
I paid so much for therapy over the years and still struggled a lot with my overall mental wellbeing. I had developed awareness but the process exhausted me and I still felt very stuck. Forest worked with me over 3 sessions and I was able to effectively move forward from a lot of the cycles I was stuck in. I'm so much more stable and enjoying life a lot more. Honestly, thank you so much Forest, I'm changed for the better and it's been a consistent shift too. This really works..
In what ways are you self sabotaging?
Tune in to this Wolf’s Den chat between Forest Toime & Mark Ottobre to find out about self-sabotaging behaviours in relation to your subconscious programming...